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Post subject: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Aug 27 23:41:41 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
is an update of engine.u for 226b and 226f clients/servers, because of
a dangerous exploit that hasn't been fixed as of yet. 225 clients and servers should wait for own version, which will be made eventually... For
maximum security on Unreal servers, we (zeurkous and me) recommend you
to set all system files to read only, beacuse there is an older exploit
with writing a LOG file through abusive admins forcing open command
with for example "LOG=core.dll", using mods which allow admins to take
over player and force any console command on him...or perhaps contact
Smartball, because he has made some fixes against these exploits... AFAIK that older exploit can be only fixed natively, the way that command works and is fixed in oldunreal 227 patch only so far. Engine.u-v226zeur2.tar.bz2
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sat Aug 28 03:02:09 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
small note: It seems Zora already included some client side protection
for the log writing in nephthys already....I didn't know about that, as
I told her today request if she could add some proposed change by me
and zeurkous.
The problem is nephthys is inompatible with
mcoop2, at least versions 1.4 and higher, the mcoop needs to be updated
now I guess, or nephthys conformed to it or something.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sat Aug 28 12:50:53 UTC 2010 |
-(DOG)- |
Joined: Sat Jan 26 19:17:11 UTC 2008 Posts: 164 Location: Italy,old europe
engine.u got me banned for one map on sickpups and disabled the quit button. :(((
"Semper Canis" a machine becomes human when you can't tell the difference anymore
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sat Aug 28 18:22:30 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
do you mean? I tried using it on KOTH server and I didn't get kicked
off.....you should report that to admins I guess, but I tested it both
with 226f and Unreal Gold 226b.
What with quit button?
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sat Aug 28 18:41:10 UTC 2010 |
-(DOG)- |
Joined: Sat Jan 26 19:17:11 UTC 2008 Posts: 164 Location: Italy,old europe
Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: What
do you mean? I tried using it on KOTH server and I didn't get kicked
off.....you should report that to admins I guess, but I tested it both
with 226f and Unreal Gold 226b.
What with quit button? Ah,
really don't know what happened, Unreal kind of messed up, the quit
button in ugold menu got disabled and connect to server menu item
changed language :) I couldn't exit the game with alt+F4, had to go in
task manager to do so. Did a computer reset but still the same. no
problem whatsoever, I had a 227 backed up :) I will ask to see what has
been logged regarding my temp ban, I'll let you know asap. BBG
"Semper Canis" a machine becomes human when you can't tell the difference anymore
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sat Aug 28 18:42:52 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
strange...I am using the fixed engine.u on unrealgold right now and
hasn't been kicked out and no quit button problems, but I use normal
Are you sure you didn't apply the file to 227?
Or perhaps confused other engine.u or somehting...I dunno
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sun Aug 29 02:40:29 UTC 2010 |
COOP Admin |
Joined: Wed Jul 30 07:27:24 UTC 2008 Posts: 228 Location: Germany
Hi :)
it possible that this problem is language related? For example, my
Unreal uses another engine file instead of engine.u. For me it is
engine.det I mean, if you install the game for your native language,
Unreal uses certain special files instead of the original english ones.
Well, just an idea I had :)
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sun Aug 29 02:44:59 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
That's just localization, it is same as int, just text in the specific language...
Shouldn't have effect on this.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sun Aug 29 02:47:31 UTC 2010 |
site admin |
Joined: Sun Jul 11 18:12:25 UTC 2004 Posts: 67
could be mistaken here Kami, but I think engine.det is the equivalent
of our engine.int, not engine.u. I believe that is global.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Sun Aug 29 03:02:55 UTC 2010 |
COOP Admin |
Joined: Wed Jul 30 07:27:24 UTC 2008 Posts: 228 Location: Germany
:oops: OOOPPPSSS :oops:
yup, you are right. I still was a little sleepy and didn't notice the file size :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Wed Sep 8 22:08:55 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
made one for 225 several days ago, although the proper release will get
delayed. It is both for 225 server or client, but well...it is
compatible with all official versions, but it isn't compatible with
227, beacsue I would have needed to conform it with those versions and
I could break something.
Also I understand why Zora didn't make Nephthys for 227, the amount of work is simply tremendous and not worth it at all.
should really have separate Unreal installs, one for 227 and another
one for normal, or use shared tree using ini with different paths. It is not my or Zora's fault, blame someone else...perhaps if the 227 team didn't have mind stuck in the mud...
But I had to make this for proper security.
you want the 225 fixed engine.u against this very dangerous exploit, pm
me...it will take a week for proper release with readme, I wanted
zeurkous to write that, but he is busy atm, also I did the hex editing
myself this time, just to be sure.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Thu Sep 9 08:24:22 UTC 2010 |
-(DOG)- |
Joined: Wed Oct 6 10:42:23 UTC 2004 Posts: 1137 Location: Netherlands
Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: ...... (zeurkous and me) .... Lol...i wonder how u all would pronounce 'zeurkous'.
--= Keep Running =--
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Thu Sep 9 12:15:31 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Thu Nov 18 10:50:37 UTC 2004 Posts: 139 Location: Outside looking for my skill...
is an alternate way to fix all your "client side exploits which may
overwrite files". It is also quite a simple one I have started to use
on ALL my applications I use on the internet, such as browsers, or
other games I play online.
Just run the game as normal user, or guest.
default (at least up to XP to my knowledge), users in the normal user
group and guests have no permission to modify existing files, except in
their own Documents folder and files elsewhere which they created/own.
As a result, by playing Unreal as a guest/normal user you automatically
gain immunity to all mods trying to tamper with your EXISTING files,
while map downloads are still possible - provided the game was
originally installed under an admin account, of course. This also makes
your user.ini / unreal.ini appear as "write protected" so all changes
done to it during the game while be forgotten upon exit. Downloaded
files are put into your cache as normal, you might just notice the file
owner of those files in your cache is then your non-admin account, of
This solution requires you using NTFS and at least 2
user accounts, knowing how to "Run As..." while logged in as someone
else helps too.
It works with -ALL- applications there will ever
be, except maybe such which may absolutely refuse to run inside
non-admin accounts (but if a game refuses to run as non-admin I would
find that highly suspicious).
It requires no installation of any additional or modified files.
some games it may be advantageous to actually allow the non-admin to
modify ini files such as your user.ini or the cache.ini - but you will
have to decide that yourself and modify permissions on a case by case
basis individually.
Hints If
you are unsure if you created and configured your non-admin user
account correctly, start NOTEPAD (or any other text editor) as
non-admin, and try to edit your Unreal.ini. If that is allowed (by
default), you made a mistake somewhere. As a second test, see if you
can CREATE a file (as non-admin) inside Unreal and edit that! This
should be allowed so map downloads function properly.
If you
implement this solution properly, it would still be possible to clutter
up your harddrive with garbage files theoretically, but all your
existing files are perfectly protected - except the 2 or 3 ini files
you allowed to be modified, perhaps, but you can backup those.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Thu Sep 9 12:43:56 UTC 2010 |
site admin |
Joined: Sun Jul 11 18:12:25 UTC 2004 Posts: 67
Sound advice Wolf.
have always run my Windows in this way. The administrator account is
abused by so many PC owners that either do not know the risks of
running internet enabled applications under an administrators account,
or simply can't be bothered to switch to an administrator account to
change a system setting such as a firewall.
Unreal does run well
like this, and as stated the ini files are write protected, but this in
my opinion is not a bad thing. Once set right the ini files shouldn't
need to be written to anyway. Some of Microsoft's games won't run under
a limited user account though, but with Microsoft's lapse ideas on
security this really doesn't surprise me much.
Those of you that
do still log into your computers under an Administrator account on a
daily basis, I suggest you think carefully about the advice given by
Wolf and start protecting yourselves.
Remember: an Administration account is for just that - administration, nothing else!
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