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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Thu Sep 9 21:46:21 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
Well I need administrator acount, besides it used to standard in older windows either.
this won't protect you against rebinding keys, even if at startup it
will changed back, they can rebind your keys or even set your paths
outside Unreal, as it was warned about, but this fix is not for that.
That is a stupid solution really and I doubt it would actually protect fully against this "new" exploit anyway.
This exploit allows writing new files, not tampering with existing files.
have had hard time making this and nobody apreciates this, only people
who understand really. I would want this fix to be hosted by major
Unreal sites as well.
And I won't go to guest account, I got
it disabled anyway and I won't create new acount just for playing
games, I am not a mere user anyway. This is exactly why computer users
intelligence is going down the drain lately.
EDIT: And TBH Wolf,
I doubt your experience, if you remember 4 years back, I actually
managed using listen server to "steal" in a bug crash your entire
user.ini settings and then you thought I stole your ID or something,
I never used it for wrong purpose though and I immediately erased your config from my file if you remember... but it was a glitch in your own uteamfix back then nonethless.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Thu Sep 9 23:33:16 UTC 2010 |
site admin |
Joined: Sun Jul 11 18:12:25 UTC 2004 Posts: 67
Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: This is exactly why computer users intelligence is going down the drain lately. I
am really starting to question your intelligence lately Leo, you are
starting to talk a load of rubbish. Wolf didn't say use the guest
account, this account is generally disabled as default. What
both he and I were saying is if you run under a limited user account,
you don't have access to important system files, therefore, your
so-called 'exploit' doesn't have access to them either - there-go no
fix required! Everybody requires an administrator account to
make important system changes, however this day and age no-one should
be running on it on a day to day basis, and if you are still using your
Administration account as your main login instead of a limited user
account then you really do deserve to get exploited.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Thu Sep 9 23:56:10 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
I have my own reasons to talk the way I am talking, I've been through a
lot of crap lately and I don't like when my work is being put down for
nothing or outright ignored. Get it? I was fixing a very dangerous
exploit that in fact is gonna be abused and by one of the 227 team
members! There you go, I said it...and no it's not the end of it, not
at all. Do not dare to even delete this part, I am doing this for a
reason and I have a good reason to... Besides he mentioned the
guest acount after all. But the limited user thing has own security
risks as well and it won't protect you from these exploits, not at
all....for god's sake you don't even know what you are talking about. Using limited things is not good at all, you don't even know what's going on with your system that way. Quote: Everybody
requires an administrator account to make important system changes,
however this day and age no-one should be running on it on a day to day
basis, and if you are still using your Administration account as your
main login instead of a limited user account then you really do deserve
to get exploited. Oh that's nice really. You know, I am not a
mere user, I often change files on daily basis everywhere etc, so I
changed my privilegies, but I am careful about security as well and
your remark to deserve being exploited is uncalled for. EDIT:
Snipped out last part of the message anyway, explaining this stuff in
more detail, but someone can take it wrongly so...instead I changed the
first part to reflect the last one.
Last edited by Leo(T.C.K.) on Thu Sep 9 23:58:46 UTC 2010, edited 1 time in total.
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Post subject: RE: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Thu Sep 9 23:57:35 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Thu Sep 9 22:05:15 UTC 2010 Posts: 8 Location: Kampen, Overijssel, Netherlands
wever.nl-(DOG)- wrote: [...] Lol...i wonder how u all would pronounce 'zeurkous'. Geweaun, 'zeurkous'. Hoe anders?
Friggin' Machines!
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:12:53 UTC 2010 |
site admin |
Joined: Sun Jul 11 18:12:25 UTC 2004 Posts: 67
Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Listen,
I have my own reasons to talk the way I am talking, I've been through a
lot of crap lately and I don't like when my work is being put down for
nothing or outright ignored. Get it? I was fixing a very dangerous
exploit that in fact is gonna be abused and by one of the 227 team
members! There you go, I said it...and no it's not the end of it, not
at all. Do not dare to even delete this part, I am doing this for a
reason and I have a good reason to... Firstly, it is becoming very apparent that a lot of the c**p you are going through you are actually bringing on yourself. Secondly,
you have already been warned about using this forum to make slanderous
comments about OldUnreal and the 227 team. This forum is for the
-(DOG)- Clan, who wish for no more flaming between us and them. Further
outbursts will result in your account here being suspended. If you wish to continue your one man war with them, go do it elsewhere.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:17:04 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
It is no slander! It is a fact! Go ahead, if that's what you are looking for.
I am going to make the facts go public anyway, because I am not a liar and you go and believe your fairytales.
EDIT: One man war? So you all think that the argument between NP and OU was broguth by me originally? Newflash: No it wasn't, it was brought by pitbull alone and I had nothing to do with it. But I won't let myself to be silenced and killed somewhere in a corner, no that's not fair at all. I can and will defend myself.
Last edited by Leo(T.C.K.) on Fri Sep 10 00:31:57 UTC 2010, edited 3 times in total.
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Post subject: RE: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:19:33 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Thu Sep 9 22:05:15 UTC 2010 Posts: 8 Location: Kampen, Overijssel, Netherlands
}TCP{Wolf wrote: There
is an alternate way to fix all your "client side exploits which may
overwrite files". It is also quite a simple one I have started to use
on ALL my applications I use on the internet, such as browsers, or
other games I play online. That doesn't fix the exploit
itself. And depending on the exact system (environment) you run Unreal
in, you might be able to do a great deal of damage. Quote: Just run the game as normal user, or guest. You think I'd allow X, which is insecure enough by itself, access to guests and/or random lusers? Quote: By
default (at least up to XP to my knowledge), users in the normal user
group and guests have no permission to modify existing files, except in
their own Documents folder and files elsewhere which they created/own.
As a result, by playing Unreal as a guest/normal user you automatically
gain immunity to all mods trying to tamper with your EXISTING files,
while map downloads are still possible - provided the game was
originally installed under an admin account, of course. This also makes
your user.ini / unreal.ini appear as "write protected" so all changes
done to it during the game while be forgotten upon exit. Downloaded
files are put into your cache as normal, you might just notice the file
owner of those files in your cache is then your non-admin account, of
course. Ah, but not everyone runs windoze. Besides, you'd
have to have superluser access to the machine, create an account, make
the profile effectively read-only -- which is, afaik, plain impossible
w/ windoze --, and generally be paranoid about running a program which
I hold dear. I never install monolithc games as the superluser.
Always under me own account. If I then feel the need to "install"
something globally, it goes into /data/games, owned,
not-so-coincidentally, by luser games. You'd have to seperate
all writable parts, destroy and regenerate them on every invocation.
Okay, you can write a script to do that, but can you honestly expect
the average luser to undertake such an effort in these dark times? Quote: This
solution requires you using NTFS and at least 2 user accounts, knowing
how to "Run As..." while logged in as someone else helps too. Nah,
ffs works just fine, as does any UNIX file system (although ext? sh1t
is async, no matter what mount options you specify; it's hence prone to
-- more or less silent -- data corruption). Quote: It
works with -ALL- applications there will ever be, except maybe such
which may absolutely refuse to run inside non-admin accounts Sure. Just keep dreaming on :^) Windoze lusers can be so pathetic. Quote: (but if a game refuses to run as non-admin I would find that highly suspicious). That's the one thing in your post that I'm able to agree with. Quote: It requires no installation of any additional or modified files. Not
in Unreal, no. But it's a half-assed workaround -- not a solution! --
that _does_ require quite a bit of work on the rest of the system.
Including the installation of "additional or modified" files. Quote: For
some games it may be advantageous to actually allow the non-admin to
modify ini files such as your user.ini or the cache.ini - but you will
have to decide that yourself and modify permissions on a case by case
basis individually. I just keep a dedicated ~/games/Unreal/ tree and symlink all the content in from the relevant dir on /data/games/. Quote: Hints If
you are unsure if you created and configured your non-admin user
account correctly, start NOTEPAD (or any other text editor) as
non-admin, and try to edit your Unreal.ini. If that is allowed (by
default), you made a mistake somewhere. As a second test, see if you
can CREATE a file (as non-admin) inside Unreal and edit that! This
should be allowed so map downloads function properly.
Code: % NOTEPAD zsh: command not found: NOTEPAD %
Quote: If
you implement this solution properly, it would still be possible to
clutter up your harddrive with garbage files theoretically, but all
your existing files are perfectly protected - except the 2 or 3 ini
files you allowed to be modified, perhaps, but you can backup those. My
"harddrive" -- I think you made a little tyop there -- doesn't contain
the ~/games/ tree. That's all on the file server. Besides, I always
create filesystems for all of the avail space when adding disks (except
usually some initial slab of, say, 512M, for use in emergencies). So
it's a bit difficult to fill up any "harddrives" that way :^) Well, uhm, now I've answered a long, battered list of cli^W^W^W^W^Wall that -- what was your actual point?
Friggin' Machines!
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:28:42 UTC 2010 |
-(DOG)- |
Joined: Mon Aug 18 19:55:08 UTC 2008 Posts: 254
Let's just stop the discussion here, Leo brought us something that can protect us and we should be thankful for this. Also, running a non-admin account is not an option for some, me included.
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:32:31 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
W3RM(Woof) wrote: Let's just stop the discussion here, Leo brought us something that can protect us and we should be thankful for this. Also, running a non-admin account is not an option for some, me included. Thank you...
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Post subject: RE: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:40:09 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Thu Sep 9 22:05:15 UTC 2010 Posts: 8 Location: Kampen, Overijssel, Netherlands
TomKatRebel-(DOG)- wrote: Sound advice Wolf. Don't mind if I don't quite agree on that one :') Quote: I have always run my Windows in this way. _Your_ windoze? Last time I looked it was owned by Microsoft Corporation -- has that changed recently? Quote: The
administrator account is abused by so many PC owners that either do not
know the risks of running internet enabled applications under an
administrators account, or simply can't be bothered to switch to an
administrator account to change a system setting such as a firewall. I've seldom read that much buzzwords in a "technical" post. Quote: Unreal does run well like this, and as stated the ini files are write protected, Not on FAT. There, they are read-only. Subtle diff. Quote: but this in my opinion is not a bad thing. Nah,
I always remove write permission too. Since Unreal runs through wine --
well, at the moment it doesn't, damn those open source weenies who
develop it -- in my case -- coupled with the fact that even _I_ have to
explicitly give me back write access using chmod(2) --, Unreal never
gets to write to them. That provides a bit of a security layer that's
sorely lacking on windoze. But that's not the right way to do
things. Programs themselves, including Unreal, are expected to be
reasonably secure on a UNIX system (on a windoze system, on the other
hand, programs are expected to be unreasonably unsecure), to the point
that you should be able to run them as a normal luser without Bad
Things happening. Then again, I'm the UNIX weenie. Perhaps technical "correctness" is a bit difficult for you windoze guys to maintain. Quote: Once
set right the ini files shouldn't need to be written to anyway. Some of
Microsoft's games won't run under a limited user account though, but
with Microsoft's lapse ideas on security this really doesn't surprise
me much. Well, that inspires me to say that the two
principal applications on windoze, Solitaire and Minesweeper, are
reasonably secure and don't generally feel the need to mangle sensitive
config files. Quote: Those
of you that do still log into your computers under an Administrator
account on a daily basis, I suggest you think carefully about the
advice given by Wolf and start protecting yourselves. How
can you keep an eye on the system without frequent superluser access? I
don't expect you to be victim to the same top(1) obsession as I am, but
use the right accuont for the right thing. To inspect and maintain the
system, log in as the superluser. If you don't need to do that, well, I
suggest you use your own account (if that's not root <g>). Quote: Remember: an Administration account is for just that - administration, nothing else! Uhm,
on UNIX it's also used to run a host of critical daemons, and
less-critical programs through use of the much-maligned setuid(7)
mechanism. In general: get a clue. Really. edit: fix quoting
Friggin' Machines!
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Post subject: RE: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:46:32 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Thu Sep 9 22:05:15 UTC 2010 Posts: 8 Location: Kampen, Overijssel, Netherlands
Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: This exploit allows writing new files, not tampering with existing files. It might be able to replace existing files outright. I haven't tried. Quote: I have had hard time making this Yeah I'd say! I wrote the code :^)
Friggin' Machines!
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:51:26 UTC 2010 |
site admin |
Joined: Sun Jul 11 18:12:25 UTC 2004 Posts: 67
Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: I am going to make the facts go public anyway, because I am not a liar and you go and believe your fairytales.
EDIT: One man war? So you all think that the argument between NP and OU was broguth by me originally? Newflash: No it wasn't, it was brought by pitbull alone and I had nothing to do with it. But I won't let myself to be silenced and killed somewhere in a corner, no that's not fair at all. I can and will defend myself. Not
on this forum your not, there are hundreds of pathetic forums worldwide
whose only existance is to slate people, go use one of those. And yes
the last incident with OldUnreal was invoked by your slander. Had you
not made the comments you made on this forum, Pitbull would have had no
reason to respond.
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Post subject: RE: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 00:56:40 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Thu Sep 9 22:05:15 UTC 2010 Posts: 8 Location: Kampen, Overijssel, Netherlands
TomKatRebel-(DOG)- wrote: Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: This is exactly why computer users intelligence is going down the drain lately. I
am really starting to question your intelligence lately Leo, you are
starting to talk a load of rubbish. Wolf didn't say use the guest
account, this account is generally disabled as default. I
think you mean 'by default', or 'as {a,the} default' [1]. Besides, you
seem to be violating the policy which you agreed to and I didn't -- by
virtue of cloning the form and switching the button texts -- by calling
Leo_TCK's talk 'a load of rubbish'. Go wash your mouth with soap. Quote: What
both he and I were saying is if you run under a limited user account,
you don't have access to important system files, therefore, your
so-called 'exploit' doesn't have access to them either - there-go no
fix required! Yeah, sure, you'll want to install every
sh1tpiece of software globally just to "protect" your own account. And
define 'system' for me, will you? Methinks we have a little impedance
mismatch on that one... Quote: Everybody requires an administrator account to make important system changes, _What_? Give _everyone_ an administrative account? Quote: however this day and age no-one should be running on it on a day to day basis, Nah, every bit of maintenance and improvement to the system can wait two weeks a time! Pfft. Quote:
and if you are still using your Administration account as your main
login instead of a limited user account then you really do deserve to
get exploited. Define 'my main login'. I mean, I always log into the console as 'root' -- that's where it's for! I also run top(1) on it, should you happen to wonder. [1] Yes, I'm sure I have my Grammar Police badge somewhere...
Friggin' Machines!
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Post subject: Re: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 01:00:39 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Wed May 27 18:50:31 UTC 2009 Posts: 112
TomKatRebel-(DOG)- wrote: Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: I am going to make the facts go public anyway, because I am not a liar and you go and believe your fairytales.
EDIT: One man war? So you all think that the argument between NP and OU was broguth by me originally? Newflash: No it wasn't, it was brought by pitbull alone and I had nothing to do with it. But I won't let myself to be silenced and killed somewhere in a corner, no that's not fair at all. I can and will defend myself. Not
on this forum your not, there are hundreds of pathetic forums worldwide
whose only existance is to slate people, go use one of those. And yes
the last incident with OldUnreal was invoked by your slander. Had you
not made the comments you made on this forum, Pitbull would have had no
reason to respond. Nope that's not true at all, I just said
that he has acussed me of posting ***** on this forum recently, which I
said was totally false because my thread was year old at best, get it?
And no it didn't lead to that, keep telling that to yourself.... Besides
I am dealing with something much more serious than this and pitbull has
went over the top and harassed and abused ME while I was playing on
other server and even "attempted" to blackmail me and other things. And
right after he did that he went here and got himself banned, that's the
proper chain of events right there. besides I didn't tell about it to
anyone, not before he went posting in that thread and got himself
banned..and I didn't post it here either.
Last edited by Leo(T.C.K.) on Fri Sep 10 01:08:33 UTC 2010, edited 1 time in total.
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Post subject: RE: Unreal 226b-f security fixed engine.u file Posted: Fri Sep 10 01:05:33 UTC 2010 |
Joined: Thu Sep 9 22:05:15 UTC 2010 Posts: 8 Location: Kampen, Overijssel, Netherlands
TomKatRebel-(DOG)- wrote: Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: [snippity] Firstly, it is becoming very apparent that a lot of the c**p you are going through you are actually bringing on yourself. Yeah, by getting sick of silly primate behavior. That's a sure way to become... impopular. Quote: Secondly,
you have already been warned about using this forum to make slanderous
comments about OldUnreal and the 227 team. This forum is for the
-(DOG)- Clan, who wish for no more flaming between us and them. Then why call your WWW site "NEWBIESPLAYGROUND"[sic]? Or are you implying that you can't grow beyond that collective status? Quote: Further outbursts will result in your account here being suspended. Slanderous!
Welcome to the internets, Mr. TomKatRebel! Where no analogy with the
IRL human social hierarchy is left unused by n00bs. Quote: If you wish to continue your one man war with them, go do it elsewhere. You
mean in a place that isn't subject to censorship? To this enforcement
of primate social rules that don't make a damn of a sense at all? Are you a dog -- or are you a silly primate pretending to be one?
Friggin' Machines!
Top |